Tuesday, February 07, 2006

B.S. Free Zone 5

1. When do you refer to someone as your boyfriend/girlfriend? Do you have a talk about it or is it implied? Do you have a standard waiting period? Do you tell your friends or let them figure it out? I myself like to make it official with a quick conversation, just to be sure we are both on the same page. I have made mistakes about relationship status before, so now I want to know. I will usually be ready to have that conversation after about 3 months of dating someone, but that is a general rule of thumb for me.

2. Do you ask someone you are dating what their "number" is? Are you honest about your number? Do you even share it? I myself never disclose my number. Not only is it none of his business, but any number I say will either be too big or too small. Regardless, his image of me will change for worse--I'll either be a slut or inexperienced. As long as he knows I'm not a virgin or a whore, that's all he needs to know. But anyone who knows me at all can probably discern that already! There is no good answer to that question, "So....how many people have you been with?" Or is there?

3. Regarding some bizarre male behavior: what is the deal with the cat-calling? You know, honking your horn as you drive by, sticking your head out the window and yelling "Woo-hoo, honey! You sure do have junk in your trunk!" or whatever. Do men think this will work? Like we'll hear it and shout back, "Oh, you are such a gentleman! You're so romantic! Please get in my pants! Please!" Men of all ages do this, and in various ways. They will mumble under their breath as they walk by, whistle, whatever. You know what I'm getting at--the whole construction worker mentality. Do men even know how embarrassing it is? Or what a turn-off it is? Let me tell you, this is not the way to get play. Making us feel like pieces of meat will get you nowhere. Save it for the hookers. Do they think we will take it as a compliment? I'm wondering if men just enjoy humiliating us. It could be just some kind of bizarre male-bonding ritual to see how much they can get away with before they get slapped or something...I have noticed it only happens when there is more than one man present. Guys get nice when they are alone. Maybe women should blame themselves and start putting some clothes on when they are out walking around? Although, you don't have to be in skimpy clothing for it to happen, now that I think about it. Any explanations from the gentleman readers I have?


Stuck said...

1) I usually tell them that I've stopped considering other people because I'd rather focus on them, and ask if they felt the same. There's no time frame for this. It happens when it happens.

2) Why would you refer to it here as "The Number" and refer to it as "Body Count" the last time we talked about this? *grin* I don't ask the question because it's none of my business. I don't want to be her first. I want to be her last.

3) I've only done this once. I wish I could say that I was drunk, but I think all I'd had to drink was sweet tea. The car was full of men (and one of the men's wives), and I had no intentions on any of the girls I yelled "Hottie" at. It's just a stupid man-thing. (And it was fun.) Rather than be embarrased, be flattered. We're going to be stupid and that will never change, so it's up to you to change your reaction. :)

leelion said...

Well Southern Gal, seems to me that many young women don't like cat calls yet middle aged women do!! go figure...why do men do it? absolutely no idea, i did it once when i was 17, no idea why, but you know what, young women of today do it to guys, come on, you know it's true. Also, you're obviously intelligent but many people are not. A lot of guys out there are just dumb and that's a factor to always consider. Lee

Virginia Belle said...

Excellent answer for #2, stuck. glad to hear that guys think like that. whew!

and yes, i usually use the term "body count" and refer to myself as "trying to keep the body count low" :)

and yes, leelion, i know one day i will be grateful for any cat call. so i try and take it as a compliment. you and stuckey have only supported my theory that it only happens when men are grouped together. it must be male bonding.

NML/Natalie said...

For the first question, I have to admit that it is very different in the US to the UK. There isn't so much of the whole status and exclusivity issue because we don't do American style dating. When we meet someone and start seeing them, if we are seeing them frequently, spending a lot of time together, it just transcends the whole conversation thing because you just are. We generally do exclusivity over here till one of us says it's over.