Thursday, November 02, 2006

Total Insanity

I'm having one of those weeks where it's really good that my head is screwed on tightly. Between last-minute mortgage panics, walk-throughs, a busy week at work, an argument with my roommate, Czarina nagging me about decorating my living room, Brunette's dad passing away and puzzling policies on establishing water service to my new house, it's been nuts.

Tomorrow is the big day. I will sign my life away and get keys to my first home.

This means I am freaking out. Will I be ok? Will I have enough money? What if I change my mind in two weeks and want to sell it? What if I don't like owning? What if K moves out and I have to pay the mortgage all on my own? What kinds of unforeseen expenses am I going to have to deal with? Who really is helping me paint this weekend? Does K's friend know how to set up our washer and dryer, or is he just saying that? Is he bringing another guy friend to help us? Will it be easier to take my time and move gradually over the next 2 weeks or should I just suck it up and move it all in one big trip next weekend? How much will it cost me to replace my closet shelving, which is horrid? How do I install the chicken wire which is needed to prevent Sammy from digging under the fence and running away? What if my paint colors look terrible? What if I totally screw up the painting? Seriously, how am I not going to be house poor????


OMG I need to get a grip. Someone slap me. I need to remind myself of Czarina's mantra during stressful times: If it was that hard, no one would do it. Right. I can do this. It's just going to be a little expensive and overwhelming for a bit. But I'll be ok. I always panic before big decisions. I keep telling myself: Remember the Tax Breaks!!!

Luckily, word on the street is, here at work we are getting a phatty Christmas bonus this month. Cross your fingers. Baby needs a new house.

The good news for my readers is this: I just called to set up my appointment for getting Internet installed. This means I will have more blog-reading time, as of Tuesday! YAY!!! Soon I will be all caught up. Plus, I can get back to my online gambling addiction, which is frowned upon at work. Kidding.

In other about I watched all 6 hours of Stephen King's Rose Red by myself on Halloween night? Go me. It was pretty good. Not the best I've ever seen, but it keeps your interest. I'm having a hard time trying to figure out if it's based on a true story or not. It seems so real, and yet...

Really, I just needed a break to get my mind off of all this stress.

After running some errands in the morning and early afternoon tomorrow, I will go to my signing at 3pm. And possibly celebrating afterwards. Then, Saturday will be painting day. And I was going to paint on Sunday, too, but I have to go to Brunette's dad's funeral, which is an hour away.* Which is fine--she needs to be with her friends and family right now. I can finish painting on Tuesday (I'm off). And next week will be moving and probably more painting.

So please bear with all my insanity and craziness coming up in the next week or so. And wish me luck! Oh, before I forget. I posted my mega-delicious pumpkin bread recipe on Virginia Cooks. It's perfect for fall baking.

*He's been sick for a long, long time. It has been hard on her family, but I know they will get through it--they're tough. I'm driving to her hometown for the day with some other nursing buddies.


j.sterling said...

it is exciting to own a home!!!!1 you know?!? and it will be an adjustment at first, but you will be fine!

Anny said...

i always get dizzy reading ur posts. u seem to lead a whirlwind life, or at least talk about it in a whirlwind way!
thanks for all the sage advice. i hope to have a post-weekend update. in the meantime, have a good one.

Random Musings said...

Youre a big girl
Serious, this is a huge step and you should be expected to be a bit nevous, it will all pass when you get used to your new house..nothing beats "owning" a house...

Lisa said...

It will feel so awesome to know its YOUR house.

Sorry to hear about Brunette's loss.

teahouse said...

How'd the closing go?

I remember my closing last year. Freakingly strangest/most stressful/most surreal and weird day of my life. But it went fine and afterward it was the world's greatest feeling!

Anonymous said...

You made me stress just by reading this post! But I love your blog, so all is forgiven..

The Dummy said...

How stressful! They say buying a house is one of the most stressful things you'll ever do in your life. That, getting married, and having a baby. Congratulations on being a homeowner! Most of us down here in San Diego will never get to know what that feeling's like.