Monday, March 13, 2006

It's All in My Head

Love is like an hourglass, with the heart filling up as the brain empties. --Jules Renard

This weekend was pretty normal. I didn't get much accomplished, which is giving me a huge guilt trip right now, but I did hang out with some friends, so that was nice. Friday I went out with Nurse P, Brunette and K. We grabbed dinner and then went to see a movie. It was surprisingly good. I don't think Sarah Jessica Parker is much of an actress and Matthew McConoughey doesn't really do it for me, but I will keep my eyes peeled for Zooey Deschanel in the future. She was hysterical. And guys, while this is a chick flick, it is pretty funny. So don't stress too much if your girl drags you.

After the movie, K went her way to meet up with some girlfriends. So I went out to the bars with Brunette and P. We had some girl bonding time and for some reason ended up staying out really late, despite the fact that there was not that much drinking going on and we didn't see many people we knew. Weird how time gets away from you.

I had jokingly mentioned to Repo that I would bootycall him that night, just to say goodnight and say something silly--we wouldn't see each other until Saturday afternoon. I changed my mind later because I didn't want to wake him up. His wrist was still bothering him and he had to work early Saturday morning. So instead, I stayed up late and made him lunch. I went to bed around 4 am. Then I dropped it off at his house very early Saturday morning as a surprise. I even included dessert and a note. He ended up eating it for breakfast on his way to work. Typical.

I got up around 10:00 am. (Yes, six hours of sleep. This will play a role later.) He and I spent much of the weekend watching basketball. He got to my house just in time to catch the end of the USC game (they won, only to lose to Florida yesterday) and then we watched the IU game (they lost, but still got a bid to the NCAA tournament! Yessss!). After the games, we were talking and he said something stupid. Looking back on it now, he was had good intentions with what he was saying, but it sounded really bad. Really bad, in a chauvinistic kind of way. "Oops....that didn't come out the way that I meant it to...." he said. "Nope. It sure didn't," I said, cooly.

Then he got a big, fat dose of me being a Pain in the Neck. When I get tired, I have a tendency to overreact and be overly-sensitive. That's when I sulk and snap and cry. Often I throw in a guilt trip just for good measure. Let me tell you, I'm a peach to be around when I'm tired. And oh-so-drama-free to boot. Luckily, he is an extremely patient and understanding guy. He said, "Let's go get something to eat and we can drive and talk." This is the best strategy ever when I'm upset: feed me and distract me. He is so smart. He even knew to ask, "Virginia, are you tired? Because you told me you get irritable when you are tired." This instantly diffused me, because as usual, he was right. (I hate that.) Then he used the most brilliant strategy of all: He made me laugh. Among other jokes, he decreed that his car was a Drama-free Zone and therefore, I was not allowed to cry in it. Dang! I was now giggling too much to cry. Then I apologized for being a butthead and he apologized (again) and reassured me that he is crazy about me and didn't mean anything by it. He said that next time, he's just going to say, "Alright! That's it! Naptime for you, missy!" This is probably a good idea.

So this week, we both learned how to deal with each other when we are in bad moods. Whew! It was rough, but we made it. We definitely flexed our communication muscles!

He took me home so I could nap and he spent some much-needed bonding time with his roommate, Golf Guy. (GG is having girl problems and so they needed to have a drink together. Awww...guy bonding is so cute.) We called a bunch of our friends to go out with us that night, but in the end, everyone bailed except Big Poppa. (I dubbed it "Ditch Night".) The three of us had a good time anyway! But since we were all tired, we were asleep before 2:00am.

Sunday morning, I somehow managed to get up for church. I realize that lightning will indeed strike me one day for the lifestyle I lead, but it feels good to go sometimes. It helps me stay grounded and it keeps my life in perspective. Seeing as how I was yet again going on 6 hours of sleep, I was now exhausted to the point that I didn't feel good. Watching basketball and eating pizza at Repo's stinky house didn't help. But after a nap I felt better. Then I left to eat dinner with K, hit the grocery store, clean up around the apartment and bake a cake for a coworker's birthday. I hit the pillow just before midnight. Yeesh.

I have been dreading today at work for a while now. I had to create a presentation (which I totally procrastinated on), knowing that no one would show up to see it because no one ever shows up to these presentations we have to make periodically. (Would you go to a library presentation? Didn't think so.) I have been worried that my boss will want to know how many people attended, which is stupid because it's not like she's expecting droves of people to show up in the first place. But I'm quite the over-achiever kind of person, so I feel like a failure/slacker right now. Oh well. At least it's over. But last night I was freaking. I felt insomnia coming on as I was brushing my teeth.

As I was going to bed, I leaned on my hand to reach and grab my alarm clock so I could set the alarm. (It's hard to explain without seeing it, but I have to sit up in bed to reach my nightstand.) When I did this, my hand slipped and all of my weight slammed into the corner of the wall next to my bed--head first. It hurt. (It also looked really funny, I bet. But as usual, no one was around to see me do something hilarious.) I have a nice mark on my noggin from the corner and it's pretty swollen. I was afraid to fall asleep after that because I worried that I would pass out and die from a brain hemorrhage. I kept imagining the newspaper headlines: Woman, 27, found in bed, dead. Cause unknown. Awaiting autopsy reports. I worried about K finding me and freaking out that her roommate was dead for no apparent reason. I kept trying to remember details from the day just to reassure myself that I had no memory loss. So, between the paranoia of having a possible concussion and stressing about my potential half-baked presentation, I didn't sleep much last night. I even had a nightmare--one where you are caught unprepared for something and you are looking around and cannot find whatever it is you are looking for.

I almost called in sick to work since my head is killing me, but Advil is helping tremendously. Since it hurt so badly, I am paranoid that I have a walking concussion of sorts. I have a headache and nausea. According to what I've read, since I didn't pass out and I don't have any memory loss, I am fine. But it still hurts. I can't believe what a klutz I am!

Needless to say, I'm going to bed early tonight.


NML/Natalie said...

Gosh that sounds like a whopper of a knock to the head. Sleep! You need it so get some! And good luck in the pres today.

Re the communication with Repo, I'm really pleased and I think it's a much more positive way to conduct a relationship. He very obviously cares about and gets you, so hold on to him.

sassafras said...

I am the same way when I don't have sleep! I'm so glad that you and Repo were able to work through it. I am beginning to realize how important communication is, best to get it right at the start. Hope you feel better!

j.sterling said...

i loved your comment on sam's. LMFAO you are a fucking riot!

teahouse said...

Hooray for nice weekends!

Yes, I too love Zooey Deschanel. I think she's fabulous. She was great in The Good Girl and Elf, and another little-seen movie called All the Good Girls or something like that (yeah, the title was almost the same as the other movie she was in ... strange)

Original Me said...

I am the same way without sleep and without food. Lethal combination.

Communication is everything in a relationship - of course I am stating the obvious but it has taken me awhile to realize just how so.

The Dummy said...

It sounds like he knows how to work through your ups and downs pretty well - that's quite a skill!

Anny said...

i really like the quote. it just means that we have to do headstands now, that's all. :)

Anonymous said...

I just wanted to say - it is a myth if you don't lose consciousness that
everything is okay.

More than likely, it is,
but keep watch on your headaches and go to a
dr. if they persist.

I won't bore you in comments with my long involved story - but suffice it to say, I
thought the same thing.

And a perfect relationship
(if there is one) to me
would be both people giving l00 percent to the
other - how could that not

Katie :)

Virginia Belle said...

thanks for the advice, Katie! i only had a headache the first day, so i think i'm ok now. :)

and i told Repo how glad i am that he can deal with my bad moods, even though he joked that he might put me in a straitjacket and call the men in white next time!

Perstephone said...

I love Zooey Deschanel! Have you seen The Good Girl? She is an absolute riot in that with her little accent and having that old woman looking like a clown. The woman asks about the style and ZD is all, 'It's called cirque du face'. Funny schtuff.